Video Submission
Since sice2024 will be run as a hybrid-style conference, all authors are requested to provide their presentation videos. The provided videos will be available to conference attendees through the online conference platform for the next 30 days. Therefore, please create and upload your presentation video as following the instructions below.
Release form
A release form granting permission to host the presentation videos online (to be accessed by the virtual conference attendees) must be uploaded alongside the presentation videos. The release form is available here.
Video File Requirements
The requirements for the video to be prepared are as follows:
1. Video length limit for regular/position papers: 12 minutes
2. File size limit for regular/position papers: 100MB
3. File format: mp4
4. Minimum height: 480 pixels
5. Video aspect ratio: 16:9
Presentations can be shorter than the maximum length allowed. Apart from the above duration and digital constraints, the form of the presentation is left free (though please be sure the video includes the title of the paper, the author(s), and a mention of sice2024).
Please note that the above specifications will be checked at the time of submission, and files not meeting these requirements will be prevented from being uploaded.
Recording Suggestions
There are many options to record your video. Zoom is a popular and easy-to-use option. We recommend using a recording tool embedded in the Zoom platform to record your videos efficiently. Please refer to “Enabling and starting local recordings” for detailed instructions.
Check the file size and make sure it is less than 100 MB. If your video is larger than 100MB, you can use a compression tool to reduce the size, for instance, FreeVideoCompressor, FreeConvert, or HandBrake.
General suggestions for recording and uploading your presentation
1. It is strongly recommended to record the presenter's face, but make sure the slides remain visible.
2. Ensure that the movement of your laser point (that is, the movement of your mouse cursor) is recorded.
3. Sometimes, even if you move your mouse, it is not recorded.
4. The required 16:9 aspect ratio works best with a 4:3 aspect ratio of the slides because it allows enough space for a thumbnail of the speaker at the side of the slides.
5. Start uploading the file in plenty of time. It may take a long time to transfer the video file.
How to submit your videos
You must upload your presentation video(s) by August 12 through PaperCept. Login to PaperCept as an author of the paper, then you will find the upload option.