SICE reaffirms the role of the academic society as a hub of industry and academia. We want to make SICE a place where corporate engineers and university researchers want to gather. Under the initiative of "SICE Industry," we will promote open innovation to fill the gap between industry and academia. Here we introduce events and sessions recommended for participants from the industrial sector.
What is SICE Industry?
The driving force behind this initiative is to narrow the gap between academia and companies, and to expand SICE's contribution to solving social issues. We aim to revitalize the industrial sector in SICE and to directly contribute to industry. By doing so, we aim to provide a place for research activities, information sharing, and human resource co-creation to solve social issues based on the foundation of measurement and control technology.
SICE Industry is promoted by the SICE Industry Committee.
JEMIMA Special Talk (8/28 9:20-10:20, A104)
Title: Cybersecurity for Industrial Automation and Control System - challenge of ISA/IEC 62443
Mr. Eric C. Cosman, ISA Life Fellow and Past President (2020)
Eric provides consulting and advisory services in the management of information technology solutions in operations and engineering. He is a past vice president of standards and practices at ISA and is currently a member of the ISA executive board and co-chair of the ISA99 committee on industrial control systems security.
Cybersecurity threats to industrial automation control systems (IACS) have become a reality, and many companies and governments are taking actions. ISA began developing the ISA99; IACS cybersecurity standard in 2002. Later, ISA99 collaborated with IEC to develop the ISA/IEC62443 series, of which 10 have now been published. In addition, in relation to these standards, ISCI (ISA Security Compliance Institute) conducts certification tests for control components and systems to comply with security standards, and ISAGCA (ISA Global Cybersecurity Alliance) conducts cybersecurity awareness, education, preparation, and Facilitate knowledge sharing. This keynote will talk the status of these IACS cybersecurity standards and related activities.Special Panel Session (8/30 13:30-15:30, A211)
OT Cybersecurity - Standards and Regulations Status
Moderators: Hiroo Kanamaru (Mitsubishi Electric), Akio Ito (Waseda University)
Panelists: Eric C. Cosman (ISA Life Fellow and Past President (2020)), Alexander W. Koehler (UL Solutions), Toshio Miyaji (JPCERT/CC), Hiroshi Hoshino (Yokogawa Electric), Eigo Fukai (Toshiba Infra Sys & Sol)
Each country is promoting legislation and policies for OT cybersecurity measures, and international standards organizations are also developing standards. Experts will introduce trends in the United States, Europe, and Japan, as well as the development status of ISA/IEC 62443. In addition, companies will introduce examples of compatible products. Attendees will be able to ask questions to the panelists, so we hope for an active discussion.
Organized Session (8/28 14:50-17:05, A211)
Practical Challenges and Solutions of Computer and Network Systems in Industrial Applications
Chair: Daisuke Tsuji (Hitachi Ltd.)
Co-Chair: Yuichiro Yamaguchi (Toshiba Infra Sys&Sol)
- Development of the International Standard for Industrial Facility Energy Management Systems (FEMS), IEC 63376
- Initial Study of Realizing Carbon Neutral Society by Smart Industrial Energy Management Systems
- Development of International Standard for Assessing Energy Management Progress for Organizations, ISO TS 50011
- Transformation of Edge Computer in OT Field
- Instrumentation Cloud Services for Production Improvement in Practice
- Challenges and Countermeasures in Control System Security
- Low-Impact Cybersecurity Enabling Method for Existing Industrial Control Networks
- Preliminary Report on the Basic Training Program for Cybersecurity in Control Systems
- Special Panel Session: OT Cybersecurity - Standards and Regulations Status
Reception (8/29 18:00-20:00, The Crown Palais New Hankyu Kochi)

At the official reception, all the people involved in the SICE FESTIVAL will gather. The SICE Industry people will be gathered near the table at the front right of the venue, so please feel free to exchange business cards and ask questions. Let's have fun as comrades who face the same problems.
Exhibition (During the Festival)
Companies are exhibiting innovative products and technologies related to advanced technology to build the smart life of the future. This exhibition brings together industry leaders, researchers and engineers in advanced and innovative technology to exchange ideas. Please feel free to ask any questions.