Diversity and Inclusion Activities in SICE FES/ SICE AC 2024
SICE is working to promote diversity and has established the SICE Diversity and Inclusion Activity (SICE-DIA) Steering Committee as a diversity promotion organization. [1]
In SICE FES/ SICE AC 2024, following activities are planned:
- 1. FES/AC joint project: Diversity Meeting (Special Session and Luncheon meeting)
- 2. FES/AC joint project: Poster Session (Both English and Japanese)
- 3. FES event: SICE Junior (in Japanese)
- 4. FES event: Girls in Control (in Japanese, Organized and Sponsored by IFAC Foundation and JAAC)
All the participants are welcome to attend our activities.
For more information, please visit:
[1] SICE-DIA: https://www.sice.jp/english/about_e/sdia-e.html
[2] SICE Junior past event (in Japanese):
[3] SICE Junior past Flyer (in Japanese): https://www.sice.jp/wp-content/uploads/file/チラシ.pdf
[4] Girls in Control (in IFAC): https://www.ifac-control.org/areas/girls-in-control-gic-workshop-and-material
[5] Girls in Control past event (in Japanese): https://www.titech.ac.jp/event/2023/065977
Date & time: 10:40-13:00, Thursday, 29th August 2024
Room: A211
Chair: Ms. Junko Ohya (Toshiba Infrastructure Systems & Solutions Corporation)
Co-Chair: Prof. Takahiro Suzuki (Reitaku university)
Session Program
10:40-10:45 Opening Talk (Ms. Junko Ohya)
10:45-11:05 Invited lecture (1): Prof. Zhixin Liu (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing)
11:05-11:15 Q&A and discussion
11:15-11:35 Invited lecture (2): Prof. Magnus Egerstedt (University of California, Irvine)
11:35-11:45 Q&A and discussion
11:45-11:50 OS Closing Talk (Prof. Takahiro Suzuki)
11:50-12:00 Break, Move to the Luncheon Area (At the back of the same room)
12:00-12:55 Luncheon Meeting
12:55-13:00 Luncheon Closing Talk (Ms. Junko Ohya)
Invited lectures
Invited lecture (1):
Title: Brief introduction to women scientists in systems and control of China
In this talk, I will first briefly introduce the organizations and research status of women scientists in the field of systems and control in China, as well as some recent academic activities organized by them. Then, I will introduce my own research experience and my current research work.
Prof. Zhixin Liu (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing)
Zhixin Liu received the B.S. degree in mathematics from Shandong University in 2002, and the Ph.D. degree in control theory from Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science (AMSS), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) in 2007. She is currently a professor of AMSS, CAS, and the director of Key Laboratory of Systems and Control, CAS. She had visiting positions with the KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, University of New South Wales, Australia, and University of Maryland, College Park, USA. She is a coauthor of the SIGEST Paper in SIREV in 2014, and the co-recipient of the Best Theoretical Paper Award at the 13rd World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA). She serves as the vice-director of the Technical Committee on Control Theory, Chinese Association of Automation. Her current research interests include multiagent systems, distributed control, and distributed estimation and filtering.
Invited lecture (2):
Title: From Outreach to Inreach
All research shows that students that participate in some sort of cohort-based experiences outside of the classroom as part of their educational programs not only do better in school and are more likely to graduate, they also feel more connected to their programs and have more fun. In other words, if outreach focuses on establishing a pipeline for a diverse set of students to enter STEM disciplines, inreach would be the next step - making sure that students thrive once they arrive on campus. In this presentation, we will discuss how this idea has been implemented at the University of California, Irvine, as well as implications for the IEEE Control Systems Society’s ambitions to increase the diversity among its membership.
Prof. Magnus Egerstedt (University of California, Irvine)
Dr. Magnus Egerstedt is the Dean of Engineering and a Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of California, Irvine. Prior to joining UCI, Egerstedt was on the faculty at the Georgia Institute of Technology. He received the M.S. degree in Engineering Physics and the Ph.D. degree in Applied Mathematics from the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, the B.A. degree in Philosophy from Stockholm University, and was a Postdoctoral Scholar at Harvard University. Dr. Egerstedt conducts research in the areas of control theory and robotics, with particular focus on control and coordination of multi-robot systems. Magnus Egerstedt is a Fellow of IEEE and IFAC, a foreign member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Science, and currently serves as the President of the IEEE Control Systems Society. He has received a number of teaching and research awards, including the Ragazzini Award, the O. Hugo Schuck Best Paper Award, and the Alumni of the Year Award from the Royal Institute of Technology.
Luncheon Meeting
Purpose of this event:
This event was designed for researchers interested in diversity and inclusion to get to know each other and deepen friendships. Participants are expected not only to refer to OS's presentations but also to their experiences, and exchange information with each other. Both female and male participants are welcome.
Lunchbox (Japanese Bento style) with a bottle of tea will be served for participants (free).
Participants can reserve the lunch boxes from:
Participants with their own lunch boxes and non-registered are also welcome. We are sorry no vegetarian lunch boxes are available.
Junko Ohya (Toshiba Infrastructure Systems & Solutions Corporation)
Junko Ohya graduated from Keio University as B.E. and joined to Toshiba Corporation in 1988. She moved to Toshiba Infrastructure Systems & Solutions Corporation in 2018 due to the company's spin-off. She served as a director of SICE (2016 and 2017) and currently is serving as the chair of SICE-DIA. Her research field is control system development for optimal train operation. She is a member of SICE and IEEJ.
Takahiro Suzuki (Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Reitaku University)
Prof. Suzuki received Doctor of Engineering at Univ. of Tokyo in 1998, and became a Lecturer (1998) and an Associate Professor (2000) in IIS, Univ. of Tokyo. He promoted practical distribution of electric vehicles as a Director General in Nagasaki Prefectural Government from 2010 to 2013. He was Professor in Tohoku University since 2014 for Tohoku Reconstruction on smart mobility and field robotics and moved to Reitaku University in 2013.
His research fields are nonlinear robot dynamics and control, ITS, STEAM, project management, etc.
He is a member of RSJ, JSME, SICE, IEEE, JSAE, ITS Japan, etc
Date & time: From Wednesday, 28th to Friday 30th, August 2024
Room: A110
Chair: Ms. Junko Ohya (Toshiba infrastructure systems & solutions corporation)
Co-Chair: Dr. Keiko Shimizu (Toshiba energy systems & solutions corporation)
Purpose of this Session:
SICE-DIA is introduced with poster. If you are worried about D&I issues at your university or research institute, let's discuss together and come up with solutions. And let's make the world a better place.
For more information, please visit SICE-DIA site: https://www.sice.jp/english/about_e/sdia-e.html.
Junko Ohya (Toshiba Infrastructure Systems & Solutions Corporation)
Junko Ohya graduated from Keio University as B.E. and joined to Toshiba Corporation in 1988. She moved to Toshiba Infrastructure Systems & Solutions Corporation in 2018 due to the company's spin-off. She served as a director of SICE (2016 and 2017) and currently is serving as the chair of SICE-DIA. Her research field is control system development for optimal train operation. She is a member of SICE and IEEJ.
Keiko Shimizu (Dr. Eng. Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation)
Date & time: 13:10-16:00, Wednesday, 28th August 2024
Room: A106
Chair: Yuki Minami (Osaka University)
Co-Chair: -
Purpose of this Session:
Session Program:
13:10-13:30 reception
13:30-16:00 Lecture and practical training
5th grade of elementary school to 3rd grade of junior high school (Student only).
Younger students can attend with guardian(s).
Participation fee:
Application Form:
Registration Page (out of this site, inJapanese)
Past Events (for reference):
SICE Junior past event (in Japanese):
SICE Junior past Flyer (in Japanese): https://www.sice.jp/wp-content/uploads/file/チラシ.pdf
Yuki Minami (Associate Professor, Osaka University)
Yuki Minami received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in informatics from Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, in 2007 and 2009, respectively. He was an Assistant Professor in Maizuru National College of Technology from 2009 to 2013, a Program-Specific Assistant Professor at Kyoto University from 2013 to 2014, and an Assistant Professor at Nara Institute of Science and Technology from 2014 to 2016. He is currently an Associate Professor in Mechanical Engineering at Osaka University. He received SICE educational contribution award in 2022.He is a member of SICE, ISCIE, JSME, IEEE, etc.
Date & time: 10:00-12:00, Wednesday, 28th August 2024
Room: A106
Chair: Yuki Minami (Osaka university)
Co-Chair: Daisuke Tsubakino (Nagoya university)
Co-Chair: Keiko Shimizu (Toshiba energy systems & solutions corporation)
Session Program:
10:00-10:30 reception
10:30-12:00 Lecture and practical training
Girls, 10 -15 years old.
Guardian(s) can observe.
Participation fee:
Detailed info and Application Form:
Registration page (out of this site, in Japanese)
Past Events (for reference):
Girls in Control (in IFAC): https://www.ifac-control.org/areas/girls-in-control-gic-workshop-and-material
Girls in Control past event (in Japanese): https://www.titech.ac.jp/event/2023/065977
Yuki Minami (Associate Professor, Osaka University)
Yuki Minami received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in informatics from Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, in 2007 and 2009, respectively. He was an Assistant Professor in Maizuru National College of Technology from 2009 to 2013, a Program-Specific Assistant Professor at Kyoto University from 2013 to 2014, and an Assistant Professor at Nara Institute of Science and Technology from 2014 to 2016. He is currently an Associate Professor in Mechanical Engineering at Osaka University. He received SICE educational contribution award in 2022.He is a member of SICE, ISCIE, JSME, IEEE, etc.
Daisuke Tsubakino (Associate Professor, Nagoya University)
Daisuke Tsubakino received the B.E. degree in mechanical and aerospace engineering from Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan, in 2005, the M.E. degree in aeronautics and astronautics, and the Ph.D. degree in information science and technology from the University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, in 2007 and 2011, respectively.
He was an Assistant Professor at Hokkaido University from 2011 to 2015 and a visiting scholar at the University of California, San Diego from November 2013 to August 2014. He is currently an Associate Professor at Nagoya University. His research interests include control of systems described by partial differential equations, hierarchical optimal control of large-scale dynamical systems, and nonlinear motion control of aerospace systems.
Keiko Shimizu, (Dr. Eng., Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation)
Keiko Shimizu graduated from Tohoku University as B.S. and joined to Toshiba Corporation in 1988. She received Dr. Eng. degree from Kyoto university in 2001. She moved to Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation in 2017 due to the company's spin-off. She received the application paper prize at IFAC 12th world congress in 1993, ISCIE paper award in 1995, SICE technical award in 1996, SICE Tomoda paper award in 2021, SICE Takeda paper award in 2005, Engineering Advancement Association of Japan’s engineering achievement award (international cooperation) in 2009. She served as a director of SICE (2021 and 2022), D&I chair at IFAC 2023 world congress national organization committee in 2023.