SICE 2020 in Chiang Mai to be held ONLINE. Please see the
Paper Submission
The SICE Annual Conference 2020 accepts two types of submissions for review:
Regular Paper
Full papers (6 pages in conference format) must be submitted for review. The accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore Digital Library as well as other Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) databases. Normal length for the final manuscript of the regular paper is 6 pages. Paper exceeding 6 pages may be submitted upon payment of overlength page charges. A maximum of 2 extra pages above 6 pages are permitted. The paper must be submitted through Papercept by the due date.
Position Paper
Extended abstracts (2-4 pages in conference format) must be submitted for review. This category is provided for authors who want to present a timely review of research, a case study, and so on. This type of papers will NOT be submitted for inclusion into the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. The paper must be submitted through Papercept by the due date.
Special Sessions 
Special Sessions (SSs) are organized by the SICE 2020 Committiee focusing on new topics or innovative applications of a new approach. Anyone who are interested in a specific SS can contribute research papers. Both regular and position papers can be submitted to SSs and go through corresponding review precesses. The paper must be submitted through Papercept by the due date. When submitting a special session paper, you will be asked to enter a code (e.g. n74h1
) that corresponds to the session to which you wish to submit the paper. The codes will be listed on Special Session page.
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Special Issue on SICE Annual Conference 2020 in SICE Journal of Control, Measurement, and System Integration (JCMSI)
SICE Journal of Control, Measurement, and System Integration (JCMSI) will publish a special issue entitled “Special Issue on SICE Annual Conference 2020” in May 2021. The period from the paper submission to the publication date is extraordinarily shorter than regular submissions. Please see the details on the web site of JCMSI
No-Show Policy
No-show papers are defined as papers submitted by authors who subsequently did not present the paper in-person at this conference. Presentations by proxies are not allowed, unless explicitly approved before the conference by the program committee. No-shows will not be available on IEEE Xplore or other public access IEEE forums. No refund of the paid fees can be claimed by the no-show author.