
Industry-Driven Organized Sessions (IDOS)

This session is aiming at providing university researchers and companies with opportunities to discuss and create new collaborations in the fields related to SICE 2020. This session widely invites papers by university researchers who would like to collaborate with companies or companies which would like to start new cooperative research projects with universities. The main scopes are as follows, but not limited to:

  1. Advanced control for energy conservation in real world
  2. Sustainable raw material production
  3. Society 5.0 transportation systems
  4. Robotics and automations in civil engineering and architectures
  5. Control systems and securities
  6. International standardization for Industry 4.0

Anyone who is interested in the Industry-Driven Organized Sessions (IDOS) can contribute research papers (Regular or position papers). Every paper must be submitted through Papercept by the due date and go through peer review. If you would like to submit your paper, please select the link of “Industry-Driven Organized Session Paper”. You will be asked to enter a code, then please use the following:

Code: 96dh8