SICE Industry
Luncheon Session
New World Realized by Spatial Intelligence, Intelligent Mobility, and Mathematics (In Japanese)
Kazuyoshi Wada (Tokyo Metropolitan University)Kenichi Ohara (Meijyo University)
Toda Yuichiro (Okayama University)
Toru Ohira (Nagoya University)
Wataru Takano (Osaka University)
Wenjing Cao (Sophia University)
Taketu Goto (Honda R&D, Co., Ltd.)
Yuji Yasui (Honda R&D Co., Ltd.)Date and Time: Sept. 8th, 12:05-13:15
AbstractSICE SI has researched spatial intelligence and newly establish its sectional meeting this year. JSAE*1 and SICE established “Automotive control and modeling committee” in 2010, and recently they seek new control and modeling direction for mobility in future by adding collaboration with πMAP*2. At SICE2023, two different research areas will meet for the first time. The panelists from both areas will introduce their research activities related to control, optimization, intelligent technology, robotics and mathematics, etc. and discuss “New World Realized by Spatial Intelligence, Intelligent Mobility, and Mathematics.” They will propose unique ideas and prospects for future society by using their high expertise and diversity.
*1: Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan
*2: Post-AIMaP(Advanced Innovation powered by Mathematics Platform)