SICE Industry
Luncheon Sessions
Special Event Organized by JSAE, SICE and πMAP
Title: Open Discussion by Young Researchers and Engineers
“The Evolution of People's Lives in 2035”
Organizer: Yuji Yasui
Date and Time: Sept 8th 12:00-13:30
Panel Speakers:
Koki Aizawa (Honda R&D Co., Ltd.)
Makoto Obayashi (Denso IT Laboratory)
Fumie Ogawa Mazda (Motor Corporation)
Nozomi Hata (Kyusyu Univ.)
Wenjing Cao (Sophia Univ.)
Anirudh Reddy Kondapally (Honda R&D Co., Ltd.)
AbstractOver the last decade, various innovative products and services have greatly changed people's lives and society. Greater changes will occur in the next decade. However, nobody knows what will change our lives and society in future. Young researchers and engineers from SICE, JSAE *1 and πMAP *2 will gather in this open discussion in order to talk about the evolution of people's lives in 2035. Their expertise covers very wide areas such as automotive control, AI(artificial intelligence), control theory, mathematics, etc., and they know the potential of their research in the future. Their individuality and various expertise will surely find a bright future in this open discussion.
*1: Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan
*2: Post-AIMaP(Advanced Innovation powered by Mathematics Platform)

Time Schedule:
12:10-12:40 Presentation from 6 panelists
30min (5 min x 6 Persons)
12:40-13:20 Panel discussion
Total of presentation&panel discussion 70min