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COVID-related Announcement:
We have decided to have SICE 2022 as a hybrid form with both face-to-face and online activities. However, depending on a sudden change in the COVID situation, SICE 2022 may run as a fully virtual conference.
Virtual Conference Platform (VCP):
To participate in the conference program online, please login with your PaperCept PIN and password to the VCP.
Video Submission:
All authors are requested to provide their presentation videos by August 22nd, 2022.
Technical Program:
The tentative program is available.
Registration Information:
The registration site for SICE 2022 is open. You can register now for early bird pricing by July 31st, 2022.
Tutorial & Workshop Information:
We have a Tutorial and two Workshops on September 6th, 2022, the day before the conference. For the detail, visit here.
Due to the situation of COVID-19 in Japan, the Tutorial by Prof. Vidyasagar will be held online. For onsite participants, we will prepare a lecture room (A4) where you can watch the online lecture projected on a screen. Also, you can attend the online lecture from anywhere using your own computer.
Luncheon Sessions for Student participants:
We are planning the following luncheon sessions for student participants with free lunch (lunch box) on September 7th from 12:00 to 13:30.
Attend the luncheon session and get a free lunch. You need to register to attend the luncheon sessions. Registration for Luncheon sessions
Luncheon Session 1: Luncheon session by HONDA R&D Co.,Ltd.
Luncheon Session 2: Luncheon session by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries
*Note that the sessions may be held in Japanese.
*The limit number of attendees of each Luncheon session is first 50 attendees.
Luncheon Sessions for all participants:
We have the following special two luncheon sessions for participants of the conference.
The luncheon sessions are held with free lunch (lunch box) and the limit number of attendees of each Luncheon session is first 50 attendees.
Luncheon Session 3:
September 8th from 12:00 to 13:30.
Title: Special Event Organized by JSAE, SICE and πMAP : The Evolution of People's Lives in 2035 (JSAE, SICE and πMAP)
Open Discussion by Young Researchers and Engineers (Japanese + Simultaneous Translation)
Register for the Luncheon sessions 3
Luncheon Session 4:
September 9th from 12:00 to 13:30.
Talk 1: "Women in Engineering in Korea: A Comparative Analysis of Data over the Past Decade" by Prof. Hye Kyung Cho
Talk 2: "Women in Engineering in Thailand" by Prof. Waree Kongprawechnon
Register for the Luncheon sessions 4
The SICE Annual Conference 2022, organized by the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers (SICE), will be held on September 6-9, 2022, at Kumamoto-Jo Hall, Kumamoto, JAPAN. The SICE Annual Conference 2022 is an international conference covering a broad range of fields from measurement and control to system analysis and design, from theory to application, and from software to hardware, and will provide an opportunity for both academic and industrial engineering practitioners in measurement and control fields to present their work and discuss their ideas. The technical program of SICE 2022 will consist of plenary and invited talks, tutorial courses, and workshops, as well as oral and interactive sessions.
Form of Conference
SICE2022 will be held in hybrid format, merging the benefits of both in-person and virtual attendance.
On the one hand, to encourage face-to-face interaction, physical attendance will follow the traditional pre-covid style, with the sole unfortunate exception of the banquet which will not be offered.
On the other hand, virtual attendees will fully enjoy the benefits of live talks being streamed from the physical venue. For this, one can access virtual rooms, each of which is connected to a physical room in the venue.
We also note that all participants will have access to the presentation recordings, to be consulted at their convenience and regardless of whether they are registered for in-person or virtual attendance.
This format is designed to make the best of a hybrid conference that both physical and remote attendees can benefit from, and aims at establishing a new standard for similar events in the post-pandemic world.
Conference Venue
SICE 2022 will be held at Kumamoto-Jo Hall, a biggest conference center in Kumamoto.
Kumamoto-Jo Hall is located at center of Kumamoto city. It is easy to access from Kumamoto Station by tram and from Kumamoto airport by limousine bus. Kumamoto-Jo Hall is a four-story facility comprising: the Exhibition Hall, the Civic Hall, 19 small to large conference rooms, which can also be interconnected to offer larger spaces, and the Main Hall, which is one of the largest halls in Kyushu area. During the Edo period, the Sakuramachi / Hanabata district in Kumamoto City, where the Kumamoto-Jo Hall is located, flourished as a castle town. Everyone can see and visit Kumamoto castle, a big and beautiful castle.
SICE JCMSI Virtual Issue
SICE Journal of Control, Measurement, and System Integration (JCMSI) will publish a virtual issue entitled ``Virtual Issue on SICE Annual Conference 2022" in 2023. In January 2021, the journal became an open-access journal produced on Taylor & Francis Online. Submissions to the virtual issue will undergo an expedited review process. Please see the details on the call for papers.
Important Dates
April 11, 2022 |
: Deadline of Proposal of Workshops and Tutorials (Deadline extended) |
April 11, 2022 |
: Deadline of Proposal of Organized Sessions (Deadline extended) |
May 16, 2022 (Firm Deadline) |
: Deadline of Submission for Regular Papers and Position Papers (Deadline extended) |
Late June, 2022 |
: Notification of Paper Acceptance (Deadline extended) |
July 18 |
: Submission of Final Camera-ready Papers (Deadline extended) |
August 22 | : Deadline of presentation video submission |
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