- 日本工学会
- 横断型基幹科学技術研究団体連合
- システム制御情報学会
- IEEE Control Systems Society(CSS)
- Institute of Control, Robotics, and Systems (ICROS)
- The Technical Committee on Control Theory (TCCT)
- Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology (ECTI)
- Chinese Automatic Control Society(CACS)
日本工学会会長 岸本喜久雄様からのご祝辞
横幹連合会長 安岡善文様からのご祝辞
60年といえば人間で言えば還暦、生まれたときに戻って再び出直すという意味だそうです。SICEもまさに新たに出直すことを学会誌「計測と制御」のSICE60周年記念特集号で宣言され、“つなぐSICE”として新生することを旗印に掲げられました。気候変動や生物多様性の減少、さらには感染症の拡大などの人間活動に起因するに複雑な問題(wicked problem)に対処するためには、人文社会科学を含む様々な科学技術を繋ぐことが不可欠です。さらにそれを社会にまでつなげて、対策を考えなくてはなりません。
システム制御情報学会会長 五福明夫様からのご祝辞
システム制御情報学会の第65期の会長をしております、岡山大学の五福です。 計測自動制御学会様の創立60周年にあたり、一言ご祝辞を申し上げます。
今後とも計測自動制御学会様が日本を代表する学会の1つとして、学術の進展と人材育成などにおいて世界的な貢献をされ、ますます発展されることを祈念しております。 本日は創立60周年、どうもおめでとうございます。
IEEE Control Systems Society(CSS), the United States
IEEE CSS(Control Systems Society)とは古くから親交があり、1998年に相互協力の覚書を締結し、 以来SICE Annual ConferenceのTechnical Co-sponsorとしてプレナリ講演、 IEEE XplorerでのAC論文の公開などの協力をいただいております。
Congratulatory Message from Prof.Thomas Parisini,IEEE-CSS President
I'm Thomas Parisini, the 2021-2022 President of the Control Systems Society. It is a great honour and privilege to deliver this congratulatory message by the IEEE Control Systems Society to the Society for Instruments and Control Engineers.
It is particularly important to celebrate the longterm friendship between the two societies this year that marks the 60th anniversary of the Society for Instruments and Control Engineers.
The first agreement between the two societies has been signed more than 20 years ago starting from the initiative of Hidenori Kimura at the 1996 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control that was held in Kobe.
So, it is more than 20 years that we are close friends and this is fantastic! The agreement has been renewed in 2020 for another five years. We keep on mutually co-sponsoring our main conferences and establishing so many collaborations. Many more will come in the future.
On a personal note, of course it is sad that I cannot come in person in Tokyo meeting so many good scientists and friends and also visiting Japan, a country that I love. But I'm the first CSS President serving for two years and therefore I very much hope to be able to attend in person next year SICE annual conference and visiting some of your great universities and companies while in Japan.
In closing, I wish you all a wonderful conference.
Domo arigato gozaimasu
Institute of Control, Robotics, and Systems (ICROS), Korea
韓国のICROS(the Institute of Control, Robotics, and Systems)とは 2000年10月にその前身であるICASE(the Institute of Control, Automation and Systems Engineers) と相互協力の覚書を締結し、2006年に釜山でSICE-ICCAS2006,さらに2009年には、福岡でICCAS-SICE2009を共同開催するなど親密な関係を維持しています。
Congratulatory Message from Prof. Doo Yong Lee, ICROS President
Hello everyone, I am Doo Yong Lee, President of Institute of Control, Robotics, and Systems. It is my honor to send this message to friends and participants of the 2021 SICE Annual Conference. This year is special because we are celebrating the 60th anniversary of SICE. The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, and the Institute of Control, Robotics, and Systems have long tradition of friendship and cooperation. I wish I could be there in person to witness the exciting interactions of friends and colleagues, and congratulate the successful SICE 2021. I wish all the best to everyone there, and I am looking forward to meeting you in person in near future. Thank you, Arigato gozaimasu!
The Technical Committee on Control Theory (TCCT), China
Chinese Automation Association(CAA)には1980年代に学術講演 会で国際セッションを設けてから技術協賛の関係があり、2015年に杭州でSICE2015とCCC2015の合同開催を行いました。
Congratulatory Message from Prof. Yiguang Hong, TCCT President
I am Yiguang Hong, the president of Technical Committee on Control Theory (TCCT), CAA. Firstly, I want to congratulate the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers (SICE) on its 60th anniversary and the success of SICE2021. Secondly, I would like to thank SICE for the great support to TCCT and our flag conference, Chinese Control Conference (CCC). With your support, CCC2021, held in Shanghai, was very successful with more than 2000 attendees. Finally, I hope TCCT and SICE to keep working together for future opportunities, and let the friendship between TCCT and SICE become stronger and last forever.
Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology (ECTI), Thailand
SICE2020はタイのElectrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology(ECTI) の全面的なご協力により、チェンマイでの開催を予定していましたが、新型コロナ禍の影響により、学会初のオンライン開催となりました。しかし、それに先立ち、バンコクではECTIによりSICE Weekが開催され、多くの子供たちに体験イベントを楽しんでいただきました。
Congratulatory Message from Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sinchai KAMOLPHIWONG, ECTI President
This year 2021, SICE will ceremony for the 60th anniversary during the SICE Annual Conference. ECTI would like to express our big congratulations on this special occasion. ECTI has a long-time friendship between ECTI and SICE. Our first MoU was signed in November 2014, and we still keep our collaborations actively. This year, ECTI is honored to be a technical co-sponsor of the SICE Annual Conference. May I take this opportunity to convey my very best wishes for a successful and productive conference.
Chinese Automatic Control Society(CACS), Taiwan
Chinese Automatic Control Society(CACS)とは2004年に相互協力の覚書を締結し、CACSの多大な協力により、2010年TaipeiでのSICE2010 Annual Conferenceは約1000名の参加者により盛大に開催することができました。日本人以外の参加者も約20%と、Annual Conferenceの国際化を確固たるものとしました。
Congratulatory Message from Assoc. Prof. Jia-Yush Yen, CACS President
Dear President Fujita, SICE Members
On behalf of CACS Taiwan, I would like to express my congratulations on the 50th anniversary of your society.
SICE represents the control engineers in Japan, whose control society has been one of the most active societies in the world. Over the past years, the Japanese control society has made many important theoretical and experimental contributions in the area of control.
What’s more valuable is that you have been able to apply these results in the industry and made some stunning demonstrations and products.
Japanese control society has been a role model in the integration of academic research and the high-tech industries.
I am very honored to have the chance to participate in the 50th birthday of your society. SICE and CACS have had a very long history of friendship, and there had been an official agreement since 2004. I want to use this opportunity also to celebrate this long friendship. And, let me use this opportunity to wish you a very happy 50th Birthday and a very prosperous future.