計測自動制御学会北陸支部講演会「Pneumatic Continuum Manipulators – Modeling and Model-based Control」のご案内
主 催
共 催
日 時
会 場
金沢工業大学 8号館101教室
JR金沢駅より,バス(金沢駅東口(8番乗り場)発 工大前 行き
無 料
定 員
題 目
Pneumatic Continuum Manipulators – Modeling and Model-based Control
講 師
Oliver Sawodny先生(Stuttgart大学・教授)
概 要
Pneumatic continuum manipulators are novel continuum manipulator with nine to twelve pressure-driven actuators called bellows.
There are several different types of configurations by changing the number of bellows per section and the number of sections itself, which give the freedom to configure the manipulator according to the desired use. Unlike common rigid link manipulators, continuum manipulators provide a flexible actuation system by bending and extending their actuators. Using a pneumatic actuation system, the continuum manipulator is inherently safe and therefore well suited for tasks that require human contact. However, the pneumatic system and the coupled mechanics require highly developed control concepts, especially due to the redundancy between the tool center point and its actuators. Therefore, model-based control conceptsand path-planning algorithms have to be developed, especially as most concepts for rigid link manipulators cannot simply be applied to this new class of manipulators.
金沢工業大学 工学部 ロボティクス学科 村尾 俊幸
石川工業高等専門学校 電気工学科 河合 康典