Conference Name
May 31-Jun. 4, 2026;
Nagasaki, Japan
The 2026 International Power Electronics Conference- ECCE Asia (-IPEC-Nagasaki 2026-ECCE Asia-)
May 17-20, 2026;
Nara, Japan
The 20th International Flow Measurement Conference(IMEKO 2026)
Sep. 23-26 2025;
2025 IEEE 14th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics(GCCE2025)
Sep. 15-19, 2025;
Advanced Infrared Technology and Applications (AITA)
Sep. 10-12, 2025;
International Conference on Gears2025
Aug. 19- 22, 2025;
Otsu, Japan
19th International Symposium on Magnetic Bearings(ISMB19)
Aug. 3- 6, 2025;
Beijing, China
2025 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation (IEEE ICMA 2025)
Jul.26-28, 2025;
Kyoto, Japan
19th International Conference on Machine Vision Applications
Jun. 29- Ju.3, 2025;
Sapporo, Japan
30th Optoelectronics and Communications Conference / International Conference on Photonics in Switching and Computing 2025(OECC/PSC2025)
Jun. 28-30, 2025;
Tokyo, Japan
International Symposium on Scheduling 2025
May 19-21, 2025;
Yokohama, Japan
The 7th International Electric Vehicle Technology Conference EVTeC2025
Apr. 23-25, 2025;
Himeji, Japan
The 10th International Conference on Manufacturing, Machine Design and Tribology (ICMDT 2025)
Mar. 17-23, 2025;
Shimane, Japan
The 11th IEEJ International Workshop on Sensing, Actuation,Motion Control, and Optimization (SAMCON2025)
Jan. 24-26, 2025;
Oita, Japan
30th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics(AROB 30th 2025)
Dec. 13-14, 2024;
Kyoto, Japan
The 56th ISCIE International Symposium on Stochastic Systems Theory and Its Applications (SSS '24)
Nov. 22-24, 2024;
Nagoya, Japan
35th 2024 International Symposium on Micro-Nano Mechatronics and Human Science (MHS2024)
Nov. 20-22, 2024;
Nagoya, Japan
The 2024 IEEE International Conference on Cyborg and Bionic Systems(CBS2024)
Nov. 9-13, 2024;
Hyogo, Japan
Joint 13th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 24th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems(SCIS&ISIS2024)
Nov. 6-8, 2024;
Ibaraki, Japan
14th International Conference of Asia-Pacific Federation for Information Technology in Agriculture(APFITA2024)
Nov. 6-8, 2024;
Fukuoka, Japan
The 8th International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics(ICAM2024)
Nov. 5-10, 2024;
Tokyo, Japan
The 20th International Machine Tool Engineer's Conference
Oct. 29-Nov.1, 2024;
Kitakyushu, Japan
2024 IEEE 13th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics(GCCE2024)
Oct. 25-27, 2024;
Chongqing, China
The 8th CAA International Conference on Vehicular Control and Intelligence (CVCI 2024)
Oct. 22-25, 2024;
Hiroshima, Japan
The 12th JFPS International Symposium on Fluid Power in Hiroshima
Sep. 13-17, 2024;
Ehime, Japan
The 11th IIAE International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Image Processing 2024(ICISIP2024)
Aug. 26-30, 2024;
Matsue, Japan
The 12th IIAE International Conference on Industrial Application Engineering 2024(ICIAE2024)
Aug. 21-24, 2024;
Kyoto, Japan
The 8th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (NMPC 2024)
Aug. 5-8, 2024;
Tyoto, Japan
The 17th International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control (MoViC 2024) and the 20th Asia-Pacific Vibration Conference (APVC2024)
Aug. 4-7, 2024;
Tianjin, China
2024 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation (IEEE ICMA 2024)
Jul.21-24, 2024;
Washington, USA
2024 International Symposium on Flexible Automation (ISFA2024)
Jun. 30- Jul.5, 2024;
Yokohama, Japan
IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence(IEEE WCCI 2024)
Mar. 3-9, 2024;
Colombo, Sri Lanka
International Conference on Processing and Robotics(ICIPRoB2024)
Mar. 2-4, 2024;
Kyoto, Japan
The 10th IEEJ International Workshop on Sensing, Actuation,Motion Control, and Optimization (SAMCON2024)
Feb. 28-2, 2024;
Kyoto, Japan
IEEE The 18th International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control (AMC2024)
Jan. 25-27, 2024;
Oita, Japan
29th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics(AROB 29st 2024)
Jan. 8-11, 2024;
Ha Long, Vietnam
The 2024 16th IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration
Dec. 6-8, 2023;
Niigata, Japan
The30th International Display Workshops(IDW'23)
Nov. 20-24, 2023;
Shizuoka, Japan
28th International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors(OFS-28)
Nov. 20-22, 2023;
Nagoya, Japan
34th 2023 International Symposium on Micro-Nano Mechatronics and Human Science (MHS2023)
Nov. 17-18, 2023;
Tokyo, Japan
The 55th ISCIE International Symposium on Stochastic Systems Theory and Its Applications(SSS '23)
Nov. 11-26, 2023;
Kyoto, Japan
International Gas Turbine Congress 2023 Kyoto(IGTC2023 Kyoto)
Nov. 5-10, 2023;
Tokyo, Japan
International Federation for the Promotion of Mechanism and Maachine Science(IFToMM WC2023)
Oct. 10-13, 2023;
Nara, Japan
2023 IEEE 12th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics(GCCE2023)
Sep. 11-14, 2023;
Tokyo, Japan
Asia Pacific Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society 2023(PHMAP23)
Sep. 4-7, 2023;
Melbourne, Austraia
2023 International Conference on Advanced Mechatronic Systems(ICAMechS 2023)
Sep. 1-2, 2023;
Yokohama, Japan
International Conference on Design and Concurrent Engineering 2023 & Manufacturing Systems Conferences 2023(iDECON/MS2023)
Aug. 28-30, 2023;
Tokyo, Japan
World Conference on Floating Solutions WCFS 2023 Japan
Aug. 20-23, 2023;
Chiba, Japan
52nd International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering (Inter-Noise 2023)
Jul.31-Aug.4, 2023;
Ibaraki, Japan
2023 IUTAM Symposium on Nonlinear dynamics for design of mechanical systems across different length/time scales
Jul.23-25, 2023;
Shizuoka, Japan
The 18th International Conference on Machine Vision Applications(MVA2023)
Jun.3-9, 2023;
Fukuoka, Japan
34rd International Symposium on Space Technology and Science 2023
May 22-24, 2023;
Yokohama, Japan
The 6th International Electric Vehicle Technology Conference EVTeC2023
May. 5-9, 2023;
Nakorn Phanom, Thailand
ECTI-CON2023 International Conference
Apr. 2-7, 2023;
Kobe, Japan
The 11th International Conference on Multiphase Flow(ICMF 2023)
Mar. 26-30, 2023;
Okinawa, Japan
The 11th IIAE International Conference on Industrial Application Engineering 2023(ICIAE2023)
Jan. 25-27, 2023;
Oita Japan
28th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics(AROB 28st 2023)
Dec. 17-20, 2022;
2022 International Conference on Advanced Mechatronic Systems(ICAMechS 2022)
Dec. 14-16, 2022;
The 29th International Display Workshops(IDW'22)
Nov. 29-Dec.2, 2022;
Mie, Japan
Joint 12th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 23th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems(SCIS&ISIS2022)
Nov. 27-30, 2022;
Nagoya, Japan
33th 2022 International Symposium on Micro-Nano Mechatronics and Human Science (MHS2022)
Oct. 31-Nov.2, 2022;
26th International Accoustic Emission Symposium
Oct. 17-22, 2022;
Held online
13th IFAC Symposium on Robot Control (SYROCO) 2021
Oct. 10-14, 2022;
Nara Japan, Held online
The 54th ISCIE International Symposium on Stochastic Systems Theory and Its Applications(SSS '22)
Sep. 12-14, 2022;
Munich Germany
International Conference on Gears2022
Sep. 5-9, 2022;
Hyogo, Japan
The 9th IIAE International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Image Processing 2022(ICISIP2022)
Aug. 30-Sep.2, 2022;
Kyoto, Japan
The 10th IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design(ROCOND2021)
Aug. 7-8, 2022;
Guilin, Japan
2022 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation (IEEE ICMA 2022)
Jul. 11-15, 2022;
Sapporo Japan
IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics
Jul. 3-7, 2022;
Toyama Japan
27th Optoelectronics and Communications Conference/International Conference on Photonics in Switching and Computing 2022(OECC/PSC2022)
Jul. 3-7, 2022;
Yokohama Japan
International Symposium on Flexible Automation 2022(ISFA2022)
May 24-27, 2022;
ECTI-CON2022 International Conference
May 15-19, 2022;
Himeji Japan
The 2022 International Power Electronics Conference- ECCE Asia -IPEC-Himeji2022 -ECCE Asia-
Mar. 11-13, 2022;
Held online
International Conference on Image Processing and Robotics(ICIPRoB2022)
Mar. 26-30, 2022;
Shimane Japan
The 10th IIAE International Conference on Industrial Application Engineering 2022(ICIAE2022)
Mar. 8-10, 2022;
Saitama Japan
IEEJ International Workshop on Sensing, Actuation, and Motion Control(SAMCON2022)
Jan. 25-27, 2022;
Oita Japan
27th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics(AROB 27st 2022)
Dec. 9-12, 2021;
Held online
2021 International Conference on Advanced Mechatronic Systems(ICAMechS2021)
Dec. 5-8, 2021;
Held online
32th 2021 International Symposium on Micro-Nano Mechatronics and Human Science (MHS2021)
Dec. 1-3, 2021;
Held online
The 28th International Display Workshops(IDW'21)
Nov. 30-Dec.1, 2021;
Held online
International Symposium on Joining Technologies in Advanced Automobile Assembley 2021(JAAA2021)
Oct. 30-31, 2021;
Kusatsu(Shiga) Japan
The 53rd ISCIE International Symposium on Stochastic Systems Theory and Its Applications(SSS '21)
Oct. 18-20, 2021;
Sapporo Japan
The 14th SEGJ International Symposium
Oct. 12-15, 2021;
Kyoto Japan
2021 IEEE 10th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics(GCCE2021)
Sep. 27-Oct.1, 2021;
Kanazawa Japan
International Symposium on Future Active Safety Technology -Toward zero-traffic-accident(FAST Zero’21)
Sep. 15-17, 2021;
Held online
The 3rd IFAC Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control of Nonlinear Systems(MICNON 2021)
Sep. 15-17, 2021;
Munich, Germany
International Conference on Gears2021
Sep. 6-9, 2021;
Kobe, Japan
The 9th IIAE International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Image Processing 2021(ICISIP2021)
Sep. 3-4, 2021;
Held online
International Conference on Design and Concurrent Engineering 2021 & Manufacturing Systems Conferences 2021(iDECON/MS2021)
Aug.30-Sep.2, 2021;
Held online
Aug. 23-25, 2021;
Held online
6th IFAC Conference on Engine and Powertrain Control Simulation and Modeling (IFAC E-COSM 2021)
Aug. 8-11, 2021;
Kagawa, Japan
2020 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation (IEEE ICMA 2020)
Jul. 25-27, 2021;
Nagoya, Japan
The 17th International Conference on Machine Vision Applications(MVA2021)
Jul. 25-27, 2021;
International Symposium on Scheduling 2021
Jul. 6-7, 2021;
Held online
10th nternational Conference on Safety of Industrial Automated Systems(SIAS2021)
Jul. 1-2, 2021;
Held online
The 7th International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics(ICAM2021)
Jun. 20-23, 2021;
Kyoto, Japan
The 30th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE 2021)
Jun. 5-1, 2021;
Beppu, Japan
33rd International Symposium on Space Technology and Science,Oita,Beppu,2021
May. 24-26, 2021;
Yokohama, Japan
The 5th International Electric Vehicle Technology Conference EVTeC3021
Mar. 26-30, 2021;
Kitakyushu, Japan
The 9th IIAE International Conference on Industrial Application Engineering 2021(ICIAE2021)
Mar. 10-12, 2021;
Tokyo, Japan
IEEJ International Workshop on Sensing, Actuation, and Motion Control(SAMCON2021)
Mar. 9-11, 2021;
Nar, Japan
2021 IEEE 3rd Global Conference on Life Sciences and Technologies(IEEE LifeTech 2021)
Mar. 7-9, 2021;
Kashiwa, Japan
IEEE ICM International Conference on Mechatronics
Jan. 21-23, 2021;
Beppu, Japan
26th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics(AROB 26st 2021)
Dec. 10-13, 2020;
Hanoi, Vietnam
2020 International Conference on Advanced Mechatronic Systems(ICAMechS2020)
Dec. 9-11, 2020;
Fukuoka, Japan
Held online The 27th International Display Workshops(IDW'20)
Dec. 5-8, 2020;
Joint 11th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 21th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems(SCIS&ISIS2020)
Nov. 10-13, 2020;
Nagano, Japan
CancelledInternational Conference of Positioning Technology(ICPT2020)
Nov. 4-7, 2020;
Hsinchu, Taiwan
2020 International Automatic Control Conference(CACS2020)
Oct. 29-30, 2020;
Osaka, Japan
The 52nd ISCIE International Symposium on Stochastic Systems Theory and Its Applications(SSS '20)
Oct. 26-30, 2020;
Kitakyushu, Japan
The 37th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC2020)
Oct. 13-16, 2020;
Kobe, Japan
2020 IEEE 9th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics(GCCE2020)
Oct. 13-16, 2020;
Hakodate, Japan
The 11th JFPS International Symposium on Fluid Power HAKODATE 2020
Sep. 14-18, 2020;
Yokohama, Japan
Cancelled The 15th International Symposium on Advanced Vehicle Control
Sep. 9-11, 2020;
Niigata, Japan
The Fifteenth International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control (MoViC 2020)
Aug. 31-Sep1, 2020;
Karlsruhe Germany
International Workshop on Smart Sensing Systems (IWSSS2020)
Aug. 27-31, 2020;
Hakodate Japan
The 8rd IIAE International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Image Processing 2020(ICISIP2020)
Aug. 2-5, 2020;
Beijing China
2020 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation (IEEE ICMA 2020)
Jul. 8-9, 2020;
Chicago USA
Held online International Symposium on Flexible Automation 2020(ISFA2020)
Jun. 10-12, 2020;
Kiryu, Japan
International Conference on Technology and Social Science 2020(ICTSS2020)
May 13-14, 2020;
Tokyo, Japan
Asian Modelica Conference 2020
Mar. 26-30, 2020;
Shimane, Japan
The 8th IIAE International Conference on Industrial Application Engineering 2020(ICIAE2020)
Mar. 14-16, 2020;
Tokyo, Japan
IEEJ International Workshop on Sensing, Actuation, and Motion Control(SAMCON2020)
Mar. 10-12, 2020;
Kyoto, Japan
2020 IEEE 2nd Global Conference on Life Sciences and Technologies(IEEE LifeTech 2020)
Mar. 6-8, 2020;
Negombo, Sri Lanka
International Conference on Image Processing and Robotics(ICIPRoB2020)
Jan. 23-25, 2020;
Beppu, Japan
25th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics(AROB 25st 2020)
Dec. 4- 5, 2019;
Kiryu, Japan
International Conference on Mechanical,Elctrical and Medical Intelligent System2019(ICMEMIS2019)
Dec. 1- 4, 2019;
Nagoya, Japan
30th 2019 International Symposium on Micro-Nano Mechatronics and Human Science (MHS2019)
Nov. 27- 29, 2019;
Sapporo, Japan
The 26th International Display Workshops(IDW'19)
Nov. 24-26, 2019;
Osaka, Japan
Biomedical Raman Imaging 2019
Nov. 17- 21, 2019;
Niigata, Japan
Asia Pacific Measurement Forum on Mechanical Quantities (APMF 2019)
Nov. 17- 22, 2019;
Tokyo, Japan
International Gas Turbine Congress 2019 Tokyo(IGTC2019 Tokyo)
Nov. 1- 2, 2019;
Fukushima, Japan
The 51st ISCIE International Symposium on Stochastic Systems Theory and Its Applications(SSS '19)
Oct. 15- 18, 2019;
Osaka, Japan
2019 IEEE 8th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics(GCCE2019)
Sep. 23- 24, 2019;
Tokushima, Taiwan
International Conference on Design and Concurrent Engineering 2019 & Manufacturing Systems Conferences 2019(iDECON/MS2019)
Sep. 10- 11, 2019;
Tokyo, Japan
International Symposium on Machine Intelligence for Future Society
Sep. 5- 9, 2019;
Taipei, Taiwan
The 7rd IIAE International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Image Processing 2019(ICISIP2019)
Aug. 26- 28, 2019;
Shiga ,Japan
2019 International Conference on Advanced Mechatronic Systems(ICAMechS2019)
Aug. 4- 7, 2019;
Tianjin ,China
2019 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation (IEEE ICMA 2019)
Jul. 28- Aug.2, 2019;
Yokohama, Japan
IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 2019)
Jul. 10-13, 2019;
Pattaya, Thailand
ECTI-CON 2019 International Conference
Jul. 7-11, 2019;
Fukuoka, Japan
24th Optoelectoronics and Communications Conference/International Conference on Photonics in Switching 2019(OECC/PS2019)
Jul. 5-7, 2019;
Matsue, Japan
Jul. 1-5, 2019;
Tokyo, Japan
The 3rd Asian Conference on Quantitative Infrared Thermography(QIRT-Asia 2019)
Jun 9-12, 2019;
Kitakyushu, Japan
Asian Control Conference 2019(ASCC2019)
May 27-31, 2019;
Tokyo, Japan
The sixteenth International Conference on Machine Vision Applications(MVA2019)
May 8-10, 2019;
Kiryu, Japan
International Conference on Technology and Social Science 2019(ICTSS2019)
Apr. 24-27, 2019;
Kagoshima, Japan
The 8th International Conference on Manufacturing, Machine Design and Tribology (ICMDT) in Kagoshima
Mar. 26-30, 2019;
Kitakyushu, Japan
The 7th IIAE International Conference on Industrial Application Engineering 2019(ICIAE2019)
Mar. 23-27, 2019;
Osaka, Japan
The 26th IEEE International Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D Interfaces(IEEE VR 2019)
Mar. 12-14, 2019;
Osaka, Japan
2019 IEEE 1st Global Conference on Life Sciences and Technologies(IEEE LifeTech 2019)
Mar. 4-6, 2019;
Chiba, Japan
IEEJ Internatiional Workshop on Sensing, Actuation, and Motion Control(SAMCON2019)
Jan. 23-25, 2019;
Beppu, Japan
International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics AROB 24st 2019
Dec. 12- 14, 2018;
Nagoya, Japan
The 25th International Display Workshops(IDW'18)
Dec. 12- 14, 2018;
Tokyo, Japan
The 13th SEGJ International Sysposium
Dec. 9- 12, 2018;
Nagoya, Japan
29th 2018 International Symposium on Micro-Nano Mechatronics and Human Science (MHS2018)
Dec. 5- 8, 2018;
Toyama, Japan
Joint 10th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 19th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems(SCIS&ISIS2018)
Nov. 28- Dec.1, 2018;
Chiba, Japan
16th International Association of Institutes of Navigation World Congress(IAIN2018)
Nov. 27- 28, 2018;
Kitakyushu, Japan
International Symposium on Joining Technologies in Advanced Automobile Assembley 2018(JAAA2018)
Nov. 4- 7, 2018;
Taoyuan, Taiwan
The 2018 International Automatic Control Conference(CACS 2018)
Nov. 4- 5, 2018;
Kiryu, Japan
International Conference on Mechanical,Elctrical and Medical Intelligent System2018(ICMEMIS2018)
Nov. 1- 2, 2018;
Kyoto, Japan
The 50th ISCIE International Symposium on Stochastic Systems Theory and Its Applications(SSS '18)
Oct. 24- 27, 2018;
Okinawa, Japan
The 28st Annual Conference of the Japanese Neural Network Society (JNNS2018)
Oct. 23- 26, 2018;
Sendai, Japan
The 4th International Conference on Maintenance Science and Technology(ICMST-Tohoku2018)
Oct. 7- 10, 2018;
Miyazaki, Japan
IEEE International Conference on Systems,Man and Cybernetics(IEEE-SMC2018)
Oct. 1- 5, 2018;
Madrid, Spain
2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems(IROS2018)
Sep. 10- 14, 2018;
Matsue, Japan
The 6rd IIAE International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Image Processing 2018(ICISIP2018)
Sep. 12- 14, 2018;
Cebu, Philippines
International Conference on Technological and Social Innovations2018(ICTSI2018)
Sep. 10- 12, 2018;
Tsu, Japan
12th France-Japan and 10th Europe-Asia Congress on Mechatronics(Mecatoronics 2018)
Sep. 3- 6, 2018;
Tokyo, Japan
IFAC The 10th Symposimu on Control of Power and Energy Systems(CPES2018)
Aug. 30, 2018;
Bangkok, Tailand
第2回Robtics Engineers Form in Bangkok 2018
Aug. 29-Sep.2, 2018;
2018 International Conference on Advanced Mechatronic Systems(ICAMechS2018)
Jun. 25, 2018;
Rome, Italy
International Workshop on Smart Sensing Systems (IWSSS2018)
Jun. 15-21, 2018;
Ehime, Japan
32st International Symposium on Space Technology and Science,Matsuyama-Ehime,2018
May. 28-31, 2018;
Matsue, Japan
The 7th Asia-Pacific Optical Sensors Conference(APOS 2018)
May. 20-24, 2018;
Niigata, Japan
The 2018 International Power Electronics Conference- ECCE Asia -(IPEC-Niigata2018 -ECCE Asia-
May. 17-18, 2018;
Tokyo, Japan
2nd Japanese Modelica Conference
Apr. 18-20, 2018;
Kiryu, Japan
International Conference on Technology and Social Sience 2018(ICTSS2018)
Mar. 27-31, 2018;
Okinawa, Japan
The 6th IIAE International Conference on Industrial Application Engineering 2018(ICIAE2018)
Mar. 26-28, 2018;
Cebu, Philippines
International Conference on Technological Challenges for Better World 2018(ICTCBW2018)
Mar. 12-14, 2018;
Tokyo, Japan
Science Robotics Meeting in Japan 2018
Mar. 9-11, 2018;
Tokyo, Japan
IEEE The 15th International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control (AMC2018)
Mar. 6-8, 2018;
Tokyo, Japan
IEEJ Internatiional Workshop on Sensing, Actuation, and Motion Control(SAMCON2018)
Jan. 19-21, 2018;
Beppu, Japan
International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics AROB 23st 2018
Dec. 17-20, 2017;
Gold Coast, Australia
Asian Control Conference 2017(ASCC2017)
Dec. 8, 2017;
Tokyo, Japan
Italy-Japan Workshop 2017
Dec. 6-9, 2017;
Xiamen, China
2017 International Conference on Advanced Mechatronic Systems(ICAMechS2017)
Dec. 6-8, 2017;
Sendai, Japan
The 24th International Display Workshops(IDW'17)
Dec. 3-6, 2017;
Nagoya, Japan
28th 2017 International Symposium on Micro-Nano Mechatronics and Human Science (MHS2017)
Nov. 29-30, 2017;
Kiryu, Japan
International Conference on Mechanical,Elctrical and Medical Intelligent System2017(ICMEMIS2017
Nov. 3-4, 2017;
Hiroshima, Japan
The 49th ISCIE International Symposium on Stochastic Systems Theory and Its Applications(SSS '17)
Oct. 24-27, 2017;
Fukuoka, Japan
The 10th JFPS International Symposium on Fluid Power
Oct. 15-19, 2017;
Tokyo, Japan
The 11th International Symposium on Marine Engineering(ISME2017)
Sep. 18-22, 2017;
Nara, Japan
International Symposium on Future Active Safety Technology -Toward zero-traffic-accident(FAST Zero’17)
Sep. 13-15, 2017;
International Conference on Gears 2017
Sep. 7-12, 2017;
Waikiki, USA
The 5rd IIAE International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Image Processing 2017(ICISIP2017)
Sep. 6-8, 2017;
Nara, Japan
The 11th International Symposiumu on Linear Drives for Industry Appliacations(LDIA2017)
Sep. 1-3, 2017;
Himeji, Japan
6th International Conference on Informatics,Electronics & Vision &7th International Symposium in Computational Medical and Health Technolgy(ICIEV & ISCMHT2017)
Jun. 27-30, 2017;
Shiga, Japan
Joint 17th World Congress of International Fuzzy Systems Association and 9th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems
Jun. 3-9, 2017;
Ehime, Japan
31st International Symposium on Space Technology and Science,Matsuyama-Ehime,2017
May. 28-31, 2017;
OCEANS'18 MTS/IEEE Kobe/Techno-Ocean2018(OTO'18)
May. 8-12, 2017;
The Fifteenth LAPR International Conference on Machine Vision Applications(MVA2017)
Apr. 24-28, 2017;
25rd International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors(OFS'25)
Mar. 27-31, 2017;
The 5th IIAE International Conference on Industrial Application Engineering 2017(ICIAE2017)
Feb. 14-17, 2017;
Gippsland, Australia
Jan. 19-21, 2017;
Beppu, Japan
22nd International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics AROB 22nd 2017
Dec. 6- 8, 2016;
Kyoto, Japan
23rd International Acoustic Emission Symposium
Nov. 30- Dec.3, 2016;
Melbourne, Australia
2016 International Conference on Advanced Mechatronic Systems(ICAMechS2016)
Nov. 28, 2016;
Hiroshima, Japan
First International Workshop on Smart Sensing Systems (IWSSS2016)
Nov. 28-30, 2016;
Nagoya, Japan
27th 2016 International Symposium on Micro-Nano Mechatronics and Human Science (MHS2016)
Nov. 27, 2016;
Nagoya, Japan
25th International Micro Robot Maze Contest 2016
Nov. 22-23, 2016;
Tokyo, Japan
Italy-Japan Workshop2016
Nov. 17-22, 2016;
Tokyo, Japan
The 17th IMEC
Nov. 7- 10, 2016;
Osaka, Japan
31st International Congress on High-Speed Imaging and Photonics 31st ICHSIP
Nov. 4- 5, 2016;
Fukaoa, Japan
The 48th ISCIE International Symposium on Stochastic Systems Theory and Its Applications
Oct. 29- Dec.2, 2016;
Nagoya, Japan
The Fifth International Conference on Human-Environment System(ICHES2016)
Oct. 23- 27, 2016;
Firenze, Italy
The 42st Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society(IECON2016)
Oct. 17- 21, 2016;
Kyoto, Japan
The 23rd International Conference on Neural Information Processing(ICONIP2016)
Oct. 16- 19, 2016;
16th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems(ICCAS 2016)
Oct. 15- 16, 2016;
ACM Symposium on Spatial User Interaction 2016 (SUI 2016)
Sep. 8-12, 2016;
Kyoto, Japan
The 4rd IEEE/IIAE International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Image Processing 2016(ICISIP2016)
Sep. 8-9, 2016;
Tokyo, Japan
6th IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control in Networked Systems(NecSys 2016)
Aug. 25-28, 2016;
Sappro, Japan
Joint 8th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 17th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems(SCIS&ISIS2016)
Aug. 7-10, 2016;
Harbin, China
The 15th International Symposium on Magnetic Bearings(ISMB15)
Aug. 3-6, 2016;
Kitakyushu, Japan
2016 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation (IEEE ICMA 2016)
July 24-29, 2016;
Yokohama, Japan
31st International Congess of Psychology
July 3-7, 2016;
Yokohama, Japan
21th Optoelectoronics and Communications Conference/International Conference on Photonics in Switching 2016(OECC/PS2016)
Jun. 26-29, 2016;
Kanazawa, Japan
Asia-Pacific Conference of Transducers and Micro-Nano Technology 2016(APCOT2016)
May. 25-27, 2016;
Yokohama, Japan
EVTeC2016 & APE Japan 2016
May. 13-14, 2016;
Dhaka, Bengladesh
5th International Conference on Informatics,Electronics & Vision(ICIEV2016)
Mar. 26-30, 2016;
Beppu, Japan
The 4rd International Conference on Industrial Application Engineering 2016(ICIAE2016)
Mar. 7-8, 2016;
Tokyo, Japan
The 2nd IEEJ Internatiional Workshop on Sensing, Actuation, and Motion Control(SAMCON2016)
Jan. 20-22, 2016;
Beppu, Japan
International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics AROB 21st 2016
Dec. 23-25, 2015;
26th 2015 International Symposium on Micro-Nano Mechatronics and Human Science (MHS2015)
Dec. 22, 2015;
24th International Micro Robot Maze Contest 2015
Dec. 18-20, 2015;
2015 International Automatic Control Conference (CACS 2015)
Dec. 15-18, 2015;
54th Conference on Decision and Control(CDC2015)
Dec. 13-15, 2015;
2014IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Intergration
Dec. 5-8, 2015;
The 47th ISCIE International Symposium on Stochastic Systems Theory and Its Applications (SSS'15)
Dec. 5-8, 2015;
The 6th International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics(ICAM2015)
Dec. 2-5, 2015;
2015 International Conference on Mechatronic and Information Technology(ICMIT2015)
Nov. 30-Dec.4, 2015;
The 12th International Conference on Power Engineering 2015(ICOPE2015)
Nov. 29-Dec.2, 2015;
World Engieering Conference and Convention 2015(WECC2015)
Nov. 28-30, 2015;
1st International Conference on Intelligent Informatics and Biomedical Sciences(ICIIBMS2015)
Nov. 27-30, 2015;
19th International Conference on Mechatronics Technology(ICMT2015)
Nov. 18-20, 2015;
The 12th SEGJ International Symposium
Nov. 15-20, 2015;
International Gas Turbine Congress 2015 Tokyo(IGTC2015 Tokyo)
Nov. 9-12, 2015;
The 41st Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society(IECON2015)
Oct. 14-16, 2015;
The 2015 8th International Conference on BioMedical Engineering and Informatics (BMEI 2015)
Oct. 13-16, 2015;
15th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems(ICCAS 2015)
Oct. 5-7, 2015;
International Conference on Gears 2015
Sep 29- Oct.3, 2015;
The 14th IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality(ISMAR2015)
Sep 28- Oct.2, 2015;
24rd International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors(OFS'24)
Sep 21- 23, 2015;
Sydney, Australia
The 2015 IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control(MSC2015)
Sep 2- 5, 2015;
Fukuoka, Japan
The 3rd IEEE/IIAE International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Imge Processing 2015(ICISIP 2015)
Aug. 22- 24, 2015;
Beijing, China
2015 International Conference on Advanced Mechatronic Systems(ICAMechS2015)
Aug. 2- 5, 2015;
Beijing, China
2015 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation (IEEE ICMA 2015)
Jul. 17- 21, 2015;
Kyoto, Japan
The 46th ISAGA Annual Conference(ISAGA/JASAG2015)
Jun. 15- 17, 2015;
Kitakyushu, Japan
4th International Conference on Informatics,Electronics & Vision(ICIEV2015)
Jul. 9- 11, 2015;
Busan, Korea
2015 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM2015)
Jul. 4- 6, 2015;
Kobe, Japan
International Symposiumu on Scheduling 2015(ISS2015)
Jun. 14- 17, 2015;
Kove, Japan
2015JSME-IIP/ASME-ISPS Joint Conference on Micromechatronics for Information and Precision Equipment(MIPE2015)
Jun. 4- 5, 2015;
Benevento, Italy
IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for AeroSpace
May 31- Jun.3, 2015;
Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia
Asian Control Conference 2015(ASCC2015)
May 28- 30, 2015;
Maharashtra, India
International Conference on Industrial Instrumentation & Control (ICIC 2015)
May 25- 28, 2015;
Sendai, Japan
2015 The annual IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE CEC2015)
May 19- 21, 2015;
Muremberg, Germany
AMA Conferences 2015 SENSOR and IRS²
May 18- 22, 2015;
Tokyo, Japan
The Fourteenth IAPR International Conference on Machine Vision Applications (MVA2015)
May 14- 16, 2015;
Guangzhou, China
FLOWEXPO 2015 – The 18th International Trade Fair for Valves, Pipe Fittings,Castings & Forgings
Apr.22-25, 2015;
Okinawa, Japan
The 6th International Conference on Manufacturing, Machine Design and Tribology(ICMDT2015)
Apr.13-16, 2015;
Seattle, USA
Cyber-Physical Systems Week 2015
Mar.28-31, 2015;
Kitakyushu, Japan
The 3rd International Conference on Industrial Application Engineering 2015(ICIAE2015)
Mar.19-21, 2015;
Nuremberg, Germany
The AMA Conferences 2015
Mar.10-13, 2015;
Orlando, USA
International Institute of Informatics and Systemics (IIIS)
Mar.9-10, 2015;
Nagoya, Japan
The 1th IEEJ Internatiional Workshop on Sensing, Actuation, and Motion Control(SAMCON2015)
Nov. 9-12, 2014;
Nagoya, Japan
25th 2014 International Symposium on Micro-Nano Mechatronics and Human Science (MHS2014) and 23nd International Micro Robot Maze Contest 2014
Nov. 2-5, 2014;
Kobe, Japan
The 2nd International Conference on Maintenance Science and Technology ICMST-Kobe2014
Nov. 1-2, 2014;
Kyoto, Japan
The 46th ISCIE International Symposiumu on Stochastic Systems Theory and Its Applications
Sep 22-26, 2014;
Tokyo, Japan
The 12th International Symposium on Advaced Vehicle Control(AVEC'14)
Sep 15-17, 2014;
Benevento, Italy
20th IMEKO TC-4 Symposium and 18th TC-4 Workshop
Sep 2-5, 2014;
Tsukuba, Japan
11th IMEKO Symposium LMPMI2014
Aug 31-Sep 3, 2014;
Pilsen, Czech
The 3nd International Conference on Design Engineering and Science (ICDES2014)
July 28-30, 2014;
Nanjing, China
The 33rd Chinese Control Conference (CCC'14)
July 28-Aug 1, 2014;
Sapporo, Japan
11th International Congress of Neuroethology and 36th Annual Meeting of The Japanese Soceity for Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry(2014ICN/JSCPB)
July 15-18, 2014;
Orlando, USA
The 18th World Multi-Conference,Systemics,Cybernetics and Informatics(WMSCI2014)
July 14-16, 2014;
Hyogo, Japan
ISCIE/ASME 2014 International Symposium on Flexible Automation(ISFA2014)
July 8-11, 2014;
Basancon, France
2014 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM2014)
June 30-July4, 2014;
Wollongong, Australia
International Conference on Complexity,Cybernetics, and Informing Science and Engineering(CCISE2014)
June 27-30, 2014;
Shenyang, China
The 11th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation(WCICA2014)
June 25-28, 2014;
Fukuoka, Japan
Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 28th International Congress and Exihibtiion
June 2-6, 2014;
Santander, Spain
23rd International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors(OFS23)
May 29-30, 2014;
Benevento, Italy
IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for AeroSpace
May 27-30, 2014;
Hiroshima, Japan
5th International Symposium on Advanced Control of Industrial Processes(ADCONIP 2014)
May 23-24, 2014;
Dhaka, Bangladesh
The 3rd International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision (ICIEV)
May 22-24, 2014;
Yokohama, Japan
EVTeC2014 and APE Japan 2014
Mar 14-16, 2014;
Yokohama, Japan
13th International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control (AMC2014-YOKAHAMA)
May 13-16, 2014;
Tokyo, Japan
2014 International Synposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility(EMC'14)
Mar 10-14, 2014;
Tokyo, Japan
International Conference on Optical Particle Characterization(OPC2014)
Mar 4-7, 2014;
Orlando, USA
The International Institute of Informatics and Systemics (IIIS2014)
Mar 4-7, 2014;
Orlando, USA
The 5th International Multi-Conference on Complexity, Informatics and Cybernetics(IMCIC 2014)
Mar 3, 2014;
Bielefeld, Germany
2014 Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) Pioneers Workshop
Jan 22-24, 2014;
Beppu, Japan
The Nineteeth International Symposium on Arftifical Life and Robotics(AROB 19th '14)
Dec 2-4, 2013;
Sun Moon Lake,
Nantou, Taiwan
2013 CACS International Automatic Control Conference (CACS 2013)
Nov 20-22, 2013;
Takamatsu, Japan
The 2013 Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Aerospace Technology(APISAT-2013)
Nov 18-22, 2013;
Nara, Japan
The 12th International Symposium on Fluid Control, Measurement and Visualization (FLUCOME2013)
Nov 18-20, 2013;
Yokohama, Japan
The 11th SEGJ International Symposium
Nov 10-13, 2013;
Nagoya, Japan
24th 2013 International Symposium on Micro-Nano Mechatronics and Human Sciece (MHS2013) and 22nd International Micro Robot Maze Contest 2013
Nov 1-2, 2013;
Okinawa, Japan
The 45th ISCIE International Symposium on Stochastic Systems Theory and Its Applications
Oct 20-23, 2013;
Gwangju, Korea
13th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems(ICCAS 2013)
Oct 7-9, 2013;
International Conference on Gears 2013
Sep 28-30, 2013;
Venice, Italy
The 2013 Intern. Conf. on Electronics, Signal Processing and Communication Systems(ESPCO'13)
Sep 28-30, 2013;
Venice, Italy
The 2013 Intern. Conf. on Systems, Control, and Informatics(SCI'13)
Sep 26-27, 2013;
Kitakyushu, Japan
The 1st IEEE/IIAE International Conference on Intellgent Systems and Imge Processing 2013(ICISIP 2013)
Sep 25-27, 2013;
Luoyang, China
2013 International Conference on Advanced Mechatronic Systems(ICAMechS2013)
Sep 25-28, 2013;
BEXCO, Busan
The 6th International Conferences on Intelligent Robotics and Applications (ICIRA 2013)
Sep 22-26, 2013;
Nagoya, Japan
International Symposium on Future Active Safety Technology -Toward zero-traffic-accident(FAST Zero’13)
Sep 17-20, 2013;
Osaka, Japan
IFAC 9th International Conference on Control Application in Marine Systems (CAMS2013)
Sep 12-13, 2013;
Hirosaki, Japan
The International Symposium on Interdisciplinary Research and Education on Medical Device Development(IREMD2013)
Sep 12-14, 2013;
Yokohama, Japan
10th International Conference of Ubiquitous Healthcare (u-Healthcare 2013)
Sep 11-13, 2013;
Tokyo, Japan
The 8th International Workshop on Agent-based Approaches in Economic and Social Complex Systems
Aug 26-30, 2013;
Tokyo, Japan
5th International Congress and International Association of Societies of Design Research
Aug 4-7, 2013;
Takmamatsu, Japan
2013 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation (IEEE ICMA 2013)
July 26-28, 2013
Xi'an, China
The 32st Chinese Control Conference (CCC13)
July 23-25, 2013
Shenyang, China
The9th International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC 2013) and 10th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD 2013)
July 18-20, 2013
Tokyo, Japan
International Symposium on Scheduling 2013(ISS2013)
July 7-9, 2013
Wollongong, Australia
2013 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM2013)
July 5-7, 2013
Tokyo, Japan
2013 International Conference on Biometrics and Kansei Engineering(ICBAKE2013)
July 3-7, 2013
Osaka, Japan
35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC2013)
July 1-4, 2013
Tokyo, Japan
ISAP2013 17th International Conference on Intelligent System Applications to Power Systems
June 26-28, 2013,
Gold Coast,Australia
The 2013 IFAC Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles Symposium (IFAC-IAV2013)
June 23-26, 2013,
Istanbul, Turkey
The 9th Asian Control Conference (ASCC 2013)
June 16-20, 2013,
The 17th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems(Transducers 2013)
May 17-18, 2013,
Dhaka, Bangladesh
The 2nd International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision (ICIEV)
Feb 18-20, 2013;
Cape Town, South Africa
IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology(ICIT2013)